
IAINU graduate student Kebumen dissected the marketing management of the educational institution Qor

Sabtu, 07 Mar 2020, 15:14:39 WIB - 1881 View
IAINU graduate student Kebumen dissected the marketing management of the educational institution Qor

The concept of independent education offered by the minister of education is the answer to the problem of national education. Independent education requires the right market strategy. where the market is not merely a starting point to look for "profits" for the management of educational institutions. But more than that, that marketing management includes efforts to change people's understanding of education, from support to independence.

Post students in this study focus on the process of providing an understanding of the community, that educational institutions are given the opportunity to share their understanding of the market through the learning process.

The 30 students who took part in the program seemed enthusiastic, that it turned out that marketing education had more scope and responsibility. This activity is part of the field lecture program for post students so that they will become developers and problem solving in education.

according to the IAINU post graduate director Kebumen Dr. Sulis Rokhmawanto. This activity does not only train the sensitive side of students in the academic field, but also in order to open up new concepts that can later be applied in the development of educational institutions.

red. SR 

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